S & L Salvage - Demolition Experts
  • Location
    1 ROPER ST
  • Office Timing
    M-F: 8-3.30 | Sat 9-12
  • Toll Free
    (08) 9314 1433

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Demolition Specialists Perth

S & L Salvage and Demolition has been operating in Perth, West Australia as a commercial demolition company for over 25 years. In addition to demolition services, S & L provides some of Perths highest quality salvage material supporting the building industry, residential home builders and astute collectors alike.

S & L employs experienced, heavy machinery operators, qualified carpenters, and building industry participants to complete demolition assignments safely, to an agreed schedule, and with minimal impact to environment and immediate neighbourhood.
The name in demolition

S & L Salvage and Demolition is a well known name amongst participants in the building and manufacturing sectors of Western Australia.

Demolition costs to both the client, and environment are kept to a minimum with experienced demolition overseers taking advantage of every opportunity to pass on and recycle suitable salvageable material through the numerous, long established and varied connections S & L has forged with many of Perth’s building and manufacturing trade firms over the years

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